November 12, 2008

We made it home....

two days ago. The trip didn't turn out how I had envisioned but I love my family with all my heart and I can't get enough of my niece and nephew and cried when I left because I will miss them terribly. The birthday party was a hit & O's 1st airplane ride was a success and she did extremely well. I'll post pictures later tonight.

Now we are preparing for our "Holiday Market at Battle Creek"......diaper cakes will be made this weekend, burp cloths are done and I just put in my order for our banner. I'll post more on my other blog-- but it's exciting.

Heath is on the job hunt again but this time we are a little more optimistic....he's actually on an interview as I'm typing this. "Lord, I thank you for your blessings, I thank you that you have given Heath favor and that we look to you for provision--Amen".

So for now I will close....not much more to type about today!

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