February 27, 2009

A sweet moment.

Ben & Simon. I totally wish it would have been a wordless wednesday!!!!

February 24, 2009

A sweet lil' guy named Von~

My wonderful friend Marlita has a sweet nephew named Von who is battling Leukemia....I'm taking a few minutes to post and ask for your prayers for this little guy. He is entering the roughest part of his fight and Von & his family needs as many prayers & loving support as they can possibly get! Every time I go to his dad's blog, I always leave inspired, laughing or crying(all good things)....they are a such a sweet family and I couldn't help but post (I hope dad doesn't mind I'm using this picture).

You can read more about Von's Family and their Journey & their courageous battle...along with more sweet pictures of his cute little face on his Dad's Blog www.roverhaus.blogspot.com

February 22, 2009

The night Ben became a train.

I wish my camera battery wasn't dead...because this may be funnier if you saw it or had it on video. If you don't know...we have three pugs & one foster. One of my pugs, Ben, is a sweet ol' man about the age of 13. He's a larger pug, which was a majority of it being overfed in his previous home, before we adopted him. Anyway, he's a big ol' lug who only gets up for two things....FOOD & POTTY. Otherwise, you are usually stepping over him because he's usally asleep in the middle of the floor in the midst of the daily chaos that is my house.
Kinda like this.....

Miss O is very fond of Ben....I think mainly in part to the fact that she can do anything just wants because he can't get up & run like the other three. She's not mean or anything of that nature....but she usually will take her toys to Ben, sit next to him & read or just pet him or just plain love on him. It's very sweet.
Kinda like this....

However, last night....last night will go in my "favorite memory" box. When she's older & Ben is long gone.....I'll pull out the story of "The night Ben became a train". So last night as we were cleaning up after dinner, she was off playing....doing her thing. All the pugs where close to the kitchen in hopes of something falling that they can eat...but like I said once Ben is done...he's done! So Miss O walks into the kitchen....talking about something?? I'm putting stuff away, when I hear..."Chugga-too-too". I turn around, O is sitting on Ben and laughing away..."Chugga--too-too". In my head, I was like OMG get off that poor ol' pug.....but I ended up laughing my head off. She looked at me for a second...wondering if I had gone "mad", she realizes Mommy thinks it's funny too....one more time before Mommy makes me get off...."Chugga-too-too". I asked her, "Is Ben a train?" She replied "Yes Mommy".

February 21, 2009

Sleepy girl.

Last night she was so sleepy after the days events.....she passed out in less then 10mins...even though the whole time as I was getting her ready for bed, I'd ask "Are you ready to go nite-nite"...her reply "No Mommie". We said our prayers, gave lots of hugs & kisses......said goodnite to everyone she could think of to prolong the process until I put a stop to it when she started saying nite nite to the cars......

I snuck in to check about 10mins later...because she did get quiet fairly quickly!
This is what I found......Her attempt to play with her baby didn't last too long.

February 19, 2009

Yo Gabba-Gabba

I'm thinking she'd be happy with any "themed" 2nd birthday party (Elmo, Dora, even Handy Manny).....but if she walked into her very own "Yo Gabba Gabba" land.......she'd be ecstatic! Even if she can't ask for the party herself....her daily request of "Gabba-Gabba, off, TB" (translation--"I wanna watch Yo Gabba Gabba so turn the TV ON") & her response to it when it comes on is...."YEAH GABBA GABBA". I can easily come to the conclusion....it would be her preferred choice party theme!
This is her....watching Yo Gabba-Gabba.
Unfortunately....this is what "Yo Gabba Gabba" looks like! :}
Now here's the tough part.......there are no party supply stores that carry this to make this easy for me, so most of it will be homemade.....so any suggestions AND help would be MUCHO appreciated!!!!! LOL! I found a website with LOADS of helpful information & ideas to help get me started....but putting it all together is a WHOLE other thing!! Wish me luck.

February 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday~

Come home for lunch to see this....must be the life~

(*disclaimer--please excuse the bed--my husband made it this morning!! LOL)

February 16, 2009

What part of NO don't you understand???

Ugh.....she's gonna be TWO and she's acting like it. More & more "No Mommy".....more & more cries of pure agony over the loss of no more "kakie" (aka--cracker). More & more....."O...Mommy said NO" (more cries of agony fill the air).

Please Lord....tell me this too shall pass??

Can I share a secret--I love it.....because in the midst of the fits & cries.....she eventually runs to me with arms wide open crying "Mama....hold you", she comes over, throws her arms around me & hugs me--and then I feel the tiny little pat on my back--like she helping to console me as well. I will cherish it for as long as possible.

February 15, 2009


I can't believe it...the weekend is done. It's 9pm and I have to get ready for another work week...."Lord, I thank you for the wisdom, strength & joy to face this new week".

P.S. Have I mentioned how much I miss the other part of me??

February 10, 2009

My other blog.

I've posted some new fun stuff on my other blog....come on over & visit. Stop by, say HI....and follow us too if you don't mind!! Leave us comments....we wanna know you stopped by!!!!! http://www.youniquetechnique.blogspot.com/

thanks, yvonne~