November 14, 2008

A thing that I love.

Helping pugs. I love rescue work and I wish I had more hours in the day to invest my time in it. In two days I got two calls about two pugs being given up--one was due to a death and the other was due to a move. More then anything, I love getting on the phone and making things happen so a pug doesn't get "put down" because someone doesn't know their options. I mean seriously, in this day in age don't you know there is a "rescue" option instead of "well we'll just put them down".....and what vet in their RIGHT MIND would allow this to happen!?!?!?! I'm so glad I've put myself out there enough & in peoples faces about our rescue! There is no excuse....when you take a pet into your home it's your responsibility all the way around to love and care for that pet and when you can't find someone who can. You don't get to pick and choose when to get "rid" of it because it's become an inconvenience. There are options people....just take a little the research. There ARE people out there willing to take in your pet and give it a second chance at life.

Anyway.................I was very happy that these two little pugs won't be "put down" because they didn't have any options. I love that I was one of their options.

If you are looking for an addition go to: there are lots of good little additions just waiting to be loved!

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