September 15, 2008

Today was a good day!

Heath & I have been so torn about keeping O in daycare while he isn't working....but if he suddenly gets a job, we will be up a creek. SOOOOOOOOO, we've kept in her daycare. Well, the first place wasn't so first I figured it was just an adjustment period (even after the first day of O being bit in the head & then mysteriously getting a rash on her lip). But after two weeks of a constant battle of the wills, gut wrenching cries, no naps, I've come to trust my mommy gut and pulled her from this place. It was God who brought daycare #2 into our was her 1st day and no battle of wills, no gut wrenching cries and she napped for about 30mins (which is good for a new place). She even smiled happily at me when I picked her up! It was great.

Now.....if we can get Heath a GREAT job we'd be set!!! Please continue to keep us in your prayers that the right doors open for Heath. I know God has something great in store for us!

For now. Good night.

1 comment:

Maria said...

I feel that pain. Our first place didn't work out, so we moved to a second, and then my husband became unemployed between seasons. Five months almost now we've paid for daycare while my husband waits for a new contract. It's stressful!