June 28, 2008

You have to see this video!!

Get your tissues out ladies!!!
A little background first.....
(this was in the 60's and 70's so people didn't know any better to leave wild animals wild)
Two friends had a pet lion cub that lived with them in their London Home. He would go to work with them, but soon he reached over 100lbs and they realized he was just too big. So they contacted someone they knew who directed them to a program in Africa that would rehabilitate Christian the lion and set him free. A year later they decide to go visit Christian, they are told he has been set free and they probably won't see him while they are visiting the reserve. The day they come to visit, suddenly Christian appears...like he could sense his old friends were there. The rehabilitors said he would not know them anymore.
Here's the link.... http://youtube.com/watch?v=_6UWU4--lv0

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