Blog Archive

January 13, 2005

My face exploded!

Well as my mom will tell you, I, Lola, have a bad habit of eating everything and anything I can fit in my mouth! Now I don't know if it was something that I ate or something bit me on the head. Whatever the case one day my face exploded. One random day I was doing my thing as usual, I went outside to potty, came back in to snuggle with mommy & daddy, then play with Sophie a little, eat & sleep. Well I never got to do the last three things. All of a sudden my mommy put me down, I went to get a drink of water then I realized I couldn't see and my mouth felt really weird. I went back into the room where Mom & Dad were and Dad took one look at me and thought it was funny until Mommy looked at me and she knew...SOMETHING WASN'T RIGHT! Anyway, they rushed me the nearest emergency vet, they took me to the back room and I was a little scared but I was brave for my mommy's sake (she was REALLY scared). They gave me a shot and I began to feel better really quick. Anyway, needless to say my mom the "Camera Freak" just had to make me take these pictures and although they are embarrassing I thought what the heck I might as well share them with you all! Anyway, hope you have a good laugh! Later, Lola Anne

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