Next Miss O & Mommy got to decorate Gingerbread Houses....this was a 1st for both of us! We had fun! She consumed WAYYYYY to much sugar (more then she's EVER had), I had a blast building the house....and she had a blast cramming as much candy in her mouth and then joining in on the joyous sounds of screaming little girls all hopped up on the midst of it all you could hear her saying, "Running, running, running......." I think she liked running.
It's a day to go in the books!
Me & Miss O--notice anything unusual??
Dipping the stick directly INTO the icing was much better then actually chewing the candy!
Here she is running......
And here are our houses.....
She cried as we left.....while I was buckling her in, she kept crying..."Running...running", it was pretty pathetic but soooo hysterical!
Last night I baked Christmas cookies for Miss O's classmates.....I've waited for the opportunity to buy the little baggies, make tags, bake & decorate the name I was on it. I know eventually I may not be as enthused but for now I was cherish it. When I picked her up from school today....Miss Kim had given her a was the sweetest thing. I teared up because she is so loved and so well taken care of. God put O in a great place & I couldn't be happier!
And now....for my next Elf-duty.....wrap all remaining gifts! I've got some done....but did some shopping Saturday and well you know the rest!
Anyway.....Merry Christmas. I hope that you are enjoying the season with those you love.
1 comment:
Sounds like fun!!! Wish I could have been there, too!
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