I seriously thought I'd NEVER survive! Okay, I know, a little dramatic...but I was really sick (yes AGAIN). Our anniversary plans were ruined because of it and we never made it to the pumpkin patch either!!! I feel much better....and today I even skipped a little when I walked outside to my car as I left work! The air was crisp, there was a little thunder in the background, I was on my way to pick O. I felt like all had fallen back into place once the rain came in and the wind blew all the YUCK out! God knew what he was doing when He created the seasons. I think it gives us something to look forward to, like a new beginning. For me once Spring is done, I dread Summer (in Oklahoma it can be a little brutal)& in my head I start a mental count down to the end of September (as that is when the HOT air starts to go away). I LOVE fall & winter. Maybe it was because I grew up in Sunny California & I never really got the chance to appreciate what it was like to see the trees change colors or understand the necessity of a "HARD" freeze or just knowing that this year there is a possibility of a "White Christmas". So for me, today marked a new beginning....all the YUCKY stuff is done and gone (cause I literally puked it ALL OUT) and now we can start fresh! And you know what...it's not even Monday! You actually
CAN start over in the middle of the week!!! Anyway, I think I've sorta rambled...but that's okay.
Family happenings...Heath is STILL on the job search but I believe God knows what He's doing and that a door is going to swing open--SOON. O is 18 months old. She had her 18 month check-up & is weighing in at 25 lbs (25th percentile) and is about 33 inches tall (50th percentile). She's singing ALL the time which we love...and she says THANK YOU when you give her something she asks for! She's really into tomatoes right now...and her favorite place to hang out is in front of the fridge rearranging the magnets! As for me....life has returned to normal...I'm working on diaper cakes this weekend (after taking a small hiatus). I'm even going to attempt a little scrapbooking this weekend in my nearly complete craft room...O is almost 2 and I haven't even started her book!
In a few weeks O & I will be flying to Wisconsin together for the first time--well it's O's 1st time flying--our 1st time doing it together. Heath can't come, which makes me sad, but the next time we go out there together our newest little niece/nephew will be making his/her debute, which I'm overly excited about but will to contain it for Suzie's sake. Anyway, here's a pic of the princess and her costume for this year! I'm told we are calling her "Maya the Bee"...I'm not exactly sure why....but that's what Maya said we were calling the costume.
Thats about all I got for now. Nite.
She can sting me any day!
I love it! If you're not familiar, it was a TV show here in the US around the mid-90's. Apparently it goes WAY back... Here's the intro to a 70's version:
She's the best! That's why Olivia is gonna be Maya the Bee for Halloween!
:) Maya the human
and why exactly did little miss ola NOT make the cast for the Bee Movie?!?! Hmmm....sounds like i need to have a talk with Jerry... :o p.s. great tunes, btw...OLD SCHOOL!!!!! Love it and love you, sis...xoxo
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