October 31, 2008
October 30, 2008
Well I did it.........
I finally stepped down! I've mulled over this decision for about a year now and it was NOT made lightly. Not that any of you would remotely even care or know what I'm even talking about BUT on the off chance that you are interested....here it is in a nutshell.
I'm the Tulsa Pug Meetup Organizer & once a month about 10-20 people come over to my house and bring their pugs to socialize in my backyard! We can have an average of about 12-15 pugs here at any one time. It's a blast!
It's been so much fun, I loved every second of it but at this point I can't do it anymore. There is soooo much going in our lives that being the organizer once a month is literally too much!!! Once a month may not seem like much but there is alot of stuff that goes into organizing this monthly social and I have to put the brakes on something. It's like all this politico mumbo-jumbo......belts are being tightend and things are getting cut!
Anyway, I just had to share because this is a MAJOR deal.....I've been the meetup organizer for FOUR years!!!!!!! This is really a sad day for me.
I'm the Tulsa Pug Meetup Organizer & once a month about 10-20 people come over to my house and bring their pugs to socialize in my backyard! We can have an average of about 12-15 pugs here at any one time. It's a blast!
It's been so much fun, I loved every second of it but at this point I can't do it anymore. There is soooo much going in our lives that being the organizer once a month is literally too much!!! Once a month may not seem like much but there is alot of stuff that goes into organizing this monthly social and I have to put the brakes on something. It's like all this politico mumbo-jumbo......belts are being tightend and things are getting cut!
Anyway, I just had to share because this is a MAJOR deal.....I've been the meetup organizer for FOUR years!!!!!!! This is really a sad day for me.
October 28, 2008
Thank you Auntie Marlita.
My good friend Marlita called me yesterday and asked if I needed a small table for O. I was like....HECK YA! That was going on her wish list for Christmas! Anyway, it's real cute and perfect. She had a blast yesterday trying it out and playing with the chairs--it's an excuse to climb--she had fun eating her apple snack and coloring in her color book! Isn't she the cutest?!?!
October 27, 2008
Any suggestions??
In one week O & I will be embarking on a new adventure--traveling by plane, alone (and by alone I mean without the assistance of Daddy), on a plane and I'm terrified!!! I'm a total worry-wart,over-exaggerating, drama queen but I am legitimately concerned!!! I should probably NOT google "How to travel with a toddler on a plane" anymore.
So now I turn to you....."How DO you travel with an 18 month old" and NOT go stark-raving-mad?
Any suggestions?? Help!
So now I turn to you....."How DO you travel with an 18 month old" and NOT go stark-raving-mad?
Any suggestions?? Help!
October 25, 2008
A perfect fall day!
We finally made it to the pumpkin patch. Today turned out to be a perfect day....PERFECT! I had a meeting in the morning...and O had a good nap. I think I was more excited because this year she could walk around and explore on her own. Explore she did! We had a blast. Here are just some of the pics from today....I swear I love this time of year...almost more then Christmas--ALMOST!!

O feeding the goats...

Me & O~

Trying to make her way to that little boy in the center!

She almost ran into that little boy--we was running towards her!

It doesn't get any more perfect than this!!!
O feeding the goats...
Me & O~
Trying to make her way to that little boy in the center!
She almost ran into that little boy--we was running towards her!
It doesn't get any more perfect than this!!!
Helping Daddy decide which pumpkin to pick!
She's such a big girl now!
That's pretty much our day.......tomorrow we a have a fall festival at Dentiny Church! I'm still debating weather or not to take her in costume?? I'll decide tomorrow....right this moment I'm wiped!
Do you skype?
I'm so loving my newest find. Thanks to my sissys I have a new FREE and easy way to stay in touch even though we are so far away from each other. If you skype...look me up!
It's fast, free and easy...if you already do it I know I'm a little late in the game!
It's fast, free and easy...if you already do it I know I'm a little late in the game!
October 22, 2008
Back from the depths of the earth.
I seriously thought I'd NEVER survive! Okay, I know, a little dramatic...but I was really sick (yes AGAIN). Our anniversary plans were ruined because of it and we never made it to the pumpkin patch either!!! I feel much better....and today I even skipped a little when I walked outside to my car as I left work! The air was crisp, there was a little thunder in the background, I was on my way to pick O. I felt like all had fallen back into place once the rain came in and the wind blew all the YUCK out! God knew what he was doing when He created the seasons. I think it gives us something to look forward to, like a new beginning. For me once Spring is done, I dread Summer (in Oklahoma it can be a little brutal)& in my head I start a mental count down to the end of September (as that is when the HOT air starts to go away). I LOVE fall & winter. Maybe it was because I grew up in Sunny California & I never really got the chance to appreciate what it was like to see the trees change colors or understand the necessity of a "HARD" freeze or just knowing that this year there is a possibility of a "White Christmas". So for me, today marked a new beginning....all the YUCKY stuff is done and gone (cause I literally puked it ALL OUT) and now we can start fresh! And you know what...it's not even Monday! You actually CAN start over in the middle of the week!!! Anyway, I think I've sorta rambled...but that's okay.
Family happenings...Heath is STILL on the job search but I believe God knows what He's doing and that a door is going to swing open--SOON. O is 18 months old. She had her 18 month check-up & is weighing in at 25 lbs (25th percentile) and is about 33 inches tall (50th percentile). She's singing ALL the time which we love...and she says THANK YOU when you give her something she asks for! She's really into tomatoes right now...and her favorite place to hang out is in front of the fridge rearranging the magnets! As for me....life has returned to normal...I'm working on diaper cakes this weekend (after taking a small hiatus). I'm even going to attempt a little scrapbooking this weekend in my nearly complete craft room...O is almost 2 and I haven't even started her book!
In a few weeks O & I will be flying to Wisconsin together for the first time--well it's O's 1st time flying--our 1st time doing it together. Heath can't come, which makes me sad, but the next time we go out there together our newest little niece/nephew will be making his/her debute, which I'm overly excited about but will to contain it for Suzie's sake. Anyway, here's a pic of the princess and her costume for this year! I'm told we are calling her "Maya the Bee"...I'm not exactly sure why....but that's what Maya said we were calling the costume.
Thats about all I got for now. Nite.
Family happenings...Heath is STILL on the job search but I believe God knows what He's doing and that a door is going to swing open--SOON. O is 18 months old. She had her 18 month check-up & is weighing in at 25 lbs (25th percentile) and is about 33 inches tall (50th percentile). She's singing ALL the time which we love...and she says THANK YOU when you give her something she asks for! She's really into tomatoes right now...and her favorite place to hang out is in front of the fridge rearranging the magnets! As for me....life has returned to normal...I'm working on diaper cakes this weekend (after taking a small hiatus). I'm even going to attempt a little scrapbooking this weekend in my nearly complete craft room...O is almost 2 and I haven't even started her book!
In a few weeks O & I will be flying to Wisconsin together for the first time--well it's O's 1st time flying--our 1st time doing it together. Heath can't come, which makes me sad, but the next time we go out there together our newest little niece/nephew will be making his/her debute, which I'm overly excited about but will to contain it for Suzie's sake. Anyway, here's a pic of the princess and her costume for this year! I'm told we are calling her "Maya the Bee"...I'm not exactly sure why....but that's what Maya said we were calling the costume.
Thats about all I got for now. Nite.
October 19, 2008
5 Years ago today....
........I married my best friend! Thank you for being you & being the best part of me! Thank you for making our life so AMAZING!
You truly are amazing.........I love you!
You truly are amazing.........I love you!
October 13, 2008
Did I mention
how wonderful O's daycare teacher is??? O has been going there for a little over a month and she has done beautifully--in part to Miss Kim! We are so thankful that the transition into Miss Kim's daycare went so well and can I say that since day ONE we have not had a battle! It's a wonderful feeling to drop O off and not have that knot in your stomach when I leave....it makes the guilt of being a working Mommy a little easier and I look forward to see my little princess smile everyday when I pick her up!
Just had to mention that!!!
Just had to mention that!!!
October 11, 2008
"But it'll hurt if I swallow"..................that's what I'm saying to myself right now! I should be in bed but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm here blogging about the blinding pain! It's just THAT horrible???
O is still sick too....what a pair we are! I'm praying she's on the up side...
Heath has been wonderful....he's really trying to pick up the slack. I attempted to do a little house cleaning and make dinner...I think I over did it. I don't know what I'd do without him. I'd really be up a creek.
Ugh...alright....off to take a shot of NyQuil...I hope it works....immediately.
O is still sick too....what a pair we are! I'm praying she's on the up side...
Heath has been wonderful....he's really trying to pick up the slack. I attempted to do a little house cleaning and make dinner...I think I over did it. I don't know what I'd do without him. I'd really be up a creek.
Ugh...alright....off to take a shot of NyQuil...I hope it works....immediately.
October 9, 2008
Poor lil' baby~
What a weekend! Our fundraiser went great............we had a great time and we raised just a little over $15,000.00--which was more then double last year's total! It's always great to see pug friends......I swear they are among the best people to know! O had a blast chasing the puggies & the "Beep-Beep's" (birds). Poor gal ended up with a fever that turned into an ear infection.....but none of it stopped her one bit! She's still struggling with a cough, running nose and stuff but she's a little trooper!
Let's see....Heath is still on the job hunt...like a predator! LOL! I've been working hard at getting our business up and running with Marlita. It's called YouNique Technique, in case you haven't heard yet! We make custom diaper cakes, burp cloths and are hopefully going to start on nursing blankets soon....once the burp cloths are mastered! LOL! My friend Marlita is the master sewer (if that is in fact a word-LOL) and has been doing a great job putting them together! You'll have to check out our other blog to see all the new stuff!! And as for O...well can you believe....NEXT TUESDAY she'll be 18 months old!?!?! I can't believe I'm even writing that as I can still remember the day I got the news we were preggers!!!
Oh yeah, Heath & I will be celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary! It seems like it's been a lot longer though!!! HAHAHAHA!!
That's about it. I found these pictures the other day that were on my mom's camera...I thought they were too cute!!

Let's see....Heath is still on the job hunt...like a predator! LOL! I've been working hard at getting our business up and running with Marlita. It's called YouNique Technique, in case you haven't heard yet! We make custom diaper cakes, burp cloths and are hopefully going to start on nursing blankets soon....once the burp cloths are mastered! LOL! My friend Marlita is the master sewer (if that is in fact a word-LOL) and has been doing a great job putting them together! You'll have to check out our other blog to see all the new stuff!! And as for O...well can you believe....NEXT TUESDAY she'll be 18 months old!?!?! I can't believe I'm even writing that as I can still remember the day I got the news we were preggers!!!
Oh yeah, Heath & I will be celebrating our 5 year wedding anniversary! It seems like it's been a lot longer though!!! HAHAHAHA!!
That's about it. I found these pictures the other day that were on my mom's camera...I thought they were too cute!!

P.S. I love this time of year....
first the trees change colors.........................

Then we continue our new tradition of going to the pumpkin patch...

Then we get to sit around the table to eat until our hearts content and give thanks
for the blessings in our lives!
Then comes the Christmas season......the lights, the music, the decorations.....I LOVE the time of year. I'm especially excited because I think O will start to have as much fun as Mommy will this year!!
October 2, 2008
Is it a bad sign....
when you feel really bad after eating?? Maybe it's because of what I've been eating!?!? I need to change......I want to change....but I don't know how? I've come to the realization that I need professional help (i.e. Dr. Phil--HA) in order to help guide me in the steps. I mean, it's easy to do it for O.....I'm so careful about what she eats, no soda, no candy, no chips, I read labels and am very careful with what I buy at the grocery store and even how I prepare food. We don't have junk in our home...we aren't a junk food family. We do eat out--maybe that's something I need to change. But there is more.....it's something after that..........there is no activity.....maybe that's it?? But I work all day.....I come home and work some more (not to mention all that I do in between), by the time I'm done.................I'm exhuasted & there is NO WAY you'll get me to walk around the block or work out! LOL! So what do I need to do???
Any suggestions??
Any suggestions??
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