This is what an uncared for puppymiller looks's not something the humane society or rescuers make's REAL, it's happening EVERYWHERE not just in hick towns, not just the amish...but everyday ordinary people who think it's cute to have puppies or do it for the money! Now don't get me wrong I know there are plenty of quality, RESPONSIBLE breeders who follow the law, care for their pets & make sure that their lineage of their bred is kept in tact NOT just because it's cute to have puppies!!!! Or just to have one liter to see what they'll look like. Meanwhile, thousands of healthy, abandoned dogs get put down because someone BOUGHT a puppy! I'm sick and tired of really DOES have to stop. TOO many innocent animals pay the price for our selfish needs.
This is the outcome of the "wanting" cute puppies and money hungry humans...
This is what is what HE has to deal with for the rest of his life......was it worth it??
**steps off her soap box now**
Simon is up for adpotion & I know he's an extreme case but it's reality. He does need some house manners but that is only because he has been kept in a crate all his life ONLY to be let out for breeding. He's sweet & with time, patience, encouragement & love he will make a great Pug. I'll be working on him & hoping we can bring him out of his shell. I see it already...he sniffed Olivia and she laughed at him. Even she sees his potential.
He's ready for someone to love him unconditionally & help him sit up with confidence that he's not ever going to be hurt again.
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