Sirens went off this evening. Possible tornado headed towards Broken the very least pretty damaging winds. So we all pile into the master bedroom's big.....just not big enough for 2 adults, a ONE year old & 3 pugs (maybe it was more cramped because it's also loaded with a few other unnecessary things). PLUS we had ONE more dog that we had to put in the guest bath because there was NOOOOOO way on God's green earth he was coming in with us (not for a lack of wanting to...he's just would NOT have had any part in that action). Anyway.....despite being scared poopless......we made the best of it while waited to see if we'd actually get HIT! Nice. The joys of Oklahoma as Marlita says! So here are some pics of the evening.

Watching the news...pillows in tow.

Our teeny TV and 3 heavy breathing PUGS! (the 3rd one you can't see but he pretty much goes with the flow and will fall asleep anyway)

O trying to keep the Pugs calm. (can you see Ben's head buried down there??)

Our Entertainment...she did a jig for us!

We doubt we may have to return as the season is not quiet done....but who is Oklahoma! ( can we move to WISCONSIN!????)
It's nice that she can preform for you while your stressing over a tornado. She sure is cute.
By the way.. Doesn't someone have a birthday today??HAPPY BIRTHDAY YVONNE!!!! I love you
OMG!!!!! to scary for me, You guys looks so happy considering.....
Happy Birthday day! one day later. You must be catching up to me in age;) by now.
Stay Safe.
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