Blog Archive

March 21, 2005

Went to the Vet today. by Lola Jacobson

Well I have some "new" news. My Mommy & Daddy took me back to the vet today for a follow up for an ear infection and also I have a growth on my left paw that was badly infected. The vet had me on meds and ear drops (which I hated) . Anyway, the vet has been very worried about this ugly thing growing on my toe....she's been worried that it might be a tumor growing but couldn't do anything until the infection went down. Anyway, went today and the infection did go down but the growth looked worse. They poked me a couple of times with this sharp needle and they wouldn't let my Mommy hold me.....but thankfully they let her stay with me. Unfortunately, the Vet did see some "suspicious" cells and wants to have it removed ASAP, plus they want to send it away to see what it is and if I'm in any danger!
Well I'm going under on, my mommy & my daddy are real nervous because we don't really know what all this means but we are hoping that I'm going to be back to my old self in no time. Sophie's been a little worried too because she's wondering what's going with her sister but I'm trying to be brave so she doesn't get scared!

I'll keep you updated....please pray for me!

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