Our business was featured in the Tulsa World today!
Check it out.....
It was in the "Scene" section of the paper.
January 24, 2009
January 21, 2009
I feel like I need to post here and anywhere else there is open space to post my continual frustration with the human race & their realtionship with animals. If you visit www.homewardboundpugs.com you'll see where my frustration stems from.
**This is me standing high atop my soap box, screaming with tears following!**
I've mentioned it before, but I'll say it again.........why oh why own, breed or adopt a pet if you cannot humanely care for them???? I beg of those who will listen.........they are living beings! Not to be tied up in the backyard and sooooo in need of care by the time care arrives it's almost too late to save them. They aren't to be treated like shoes that you don't like anymore so they need to be tossed out.....they are LIVING, BREATHING BEINGS!!!! I dare you to sit out in the cold, through snow, or thunderstorms or HOT summers tied up to a chain. I dare you to sit on the floor and be kicked so hard your eye pops out........I dare you not to eat or drink for days. I dare for just ONE day take yourself away from all familiar things and sit in a cell & sit on a COLD HARD CEMENT floor waiting...just waiting for someone to come back for you...to pet your head just a little or scratch your belly and NEVER receive it and your reward for HUMAN STUPIDITY is death. God didn't create them for us to pick & choose when to love and when to give them up........or mistreat them. If you could only see........if you could only hold them and see......they are worth more than home we give them or the food we feed them. I know to most....you see them as "JUST" an animal.....or "JUST" a dog or cat......I wish you see through my eyes the dogs that come into our rescue and into my life that have been so terribly hurt by humans that they can barely move when you walk toward them. They've changed my life in a way that I will never be the same......I wish they would change yours. To those who have raised a hand to them, chained them up, or have simply just forgotten them......your day will come. To those who have loved them, opened your heart & home to them....hug them a little tighter tonight. Love on them....let them know your appreciate their unwavering love for you. The reward is great.
**This is me standing high atop my soap box, screaming with tears following!**
I've mentioned it before, but I'll say it again.........why oh why own, breed or adopt a pet if you cannot humanely care for them???? I beg of those who will listen.........they are living beings! Not to be tied up in the backyard and sooooo in need of care by the time care arrives it's almost too late to save them. They aren't to be treated like shoes that you don't like anymore so they need to be tossed out.....they are LIVING, BREATHING BEINGS!!!! I dare you to sit out in the cold, through snow, or thunderstorms or HOT summers tied up to a chain. I dare you to sit on the floor and be kicked so hard your eye pops out........I dare you not to eat or drink for days. I dare for just ONE day take yourself away from all familiar things and sit in a cell & sit on a COLD HARD CEMENT floor waiting...just waiting for someone to come back for you...to pet your head just a little or scratch your belly and NEVER receive it and your reward for HUMAN STUPIDITY is death. God didn't create them for us to pick & choose when to love and when to give them up........or mistreat them. If you could only see........if you could only hold them and see......they are worth more than home we give them or the food we feed them. I know to most....you see them as "JUST" an animal.....or "JUST" a dog or cat......I wish you see through my eyes the dogs that come into our rescue and into my life that have been so terribly hurt by humans that they can barely move when you walk toward them. They've changed my life in a way that I will never be the same......I wish they would change yours. To those who have raised a hand to them, chained them up, or have simply just forgotten them......your day will come. To those who have loved them, opened your heart & home to them....hug them a little tighter tonight. Love on them....let them know your appreciate their unwavering love for you. The reward is great.
Paper or Plastic?? A killer challenge.....

I've wanted to blog about this for a while but wasn't really sure what to say. But it's a pretty simple concept and I wonder why it hasn't caught on yet?? I wonder why people refuse to acknowledge we have a problem...we are addicted to paper & plastic. While online today, I read this interesting article on this website that I'm currently obsessed with (http://www.lifeorganizers.com/) and it made me stop & really wonder what people are thinking??? We are a selfish world at times.....
Anyway.....some might know that I'm a HUGE purse fanatic & if you saw my closet you'd see I'm more of a "bag-lady" then a "shoe-lady", which kinda paved the way into my current bag fascination--Recyclable/Reusable shopping bags. Just about every store carries them--even SAM'S CLUB ($2.99 for a set of two). Yes, you do have to pay for them but they aren't expensive--I've never seen one more then $1.99 (Wal-Mart has them for $1, at least they were when I bought them)--now keep in mind I have one from just about every store & can't seem to stop myself (that's a WHOLE other blog). I have a good collection going and what I love most about them is, instead of walking out of Wally-World or Target with about 50 plastic bags, I can still shop the same and walk out having only used 4-5 of my reusable bags! The 4-5 will cover my big grocery shopping day. However, if I run in somewhere I usually only need just one. My favorite are the SAM'S CLUB bags because they are gigantic!!! No it's not embarrassing to whip out your bags & have the checker pack your bags either, it's a conversation starter and can impact the person packing your bags or the person behind you!
So here is my killer challenge.....read this article "Paper or Plastic - The Debate Over Grocery Store Bags" and then think about this....what's $2 compared to the alternative! This is the reality of it and what our thoughtlessness for this planet has created & continues to create daily!

STAY TUNED--I'll post my collection later!!! hehehehehe!!!
January 20, 2009
Today is a day of history....today will be one for the books. Inspirational--sure, Uncertain--absolutely.......I pray for our President, I pray for those that will surround him these next four years, I pray for his family...I pray for guidance and protection throughout his service as Commander & Chief of our GREAT GREAT Nation!
January 16, 2009
Another Friday.....
January 14, 2009
Not so Wordless Wednesday.....
We were eating dinner and the TV was on (yes--I'm guilty of having the TV on while we eat) and I think it was Entertainment Tonight.....All of a sudden Miss O says "Omama" and points. Linda & I looked at the TV (she was my dinner date this evening) and saw President Elect Barack Obama on the screen! Thinking this couldn't possibly be.........I asked Miss O again....O who is that?? She repeated, "Omama!"
I'm still sitting here scratching my head over this one??? Is it possible my 21 month old daughter can identify our soon to be President of the United States??
I'm still sitting here scratching my head over this one??? Is it possible my 21 month old daughter can identify our soon to be President of the United States??
January 8, 2009
I've been battling this yucky bug....
I hope it's done now....I have nothing left to give!!! Yes, you can pull out the violin and play a little!! And I would certainly LOVE some cheese with this whine......
Anyway......I'm gonna see if blogger will let me post some pics....it let me on my diaper cake blog (which, by the way,you should visit since I just posted a new pic of a CUTE OSU diaper cake we made!)
Okay....let's see if it will...if not I'm done. I can't go on..........I'll probably go lay down and feel sorry for myself. =)
Okay it worked...........so I'll stop with the whining.......
Miss O & her tree.
Miss O & Grandma Pinkie.

I just love her expression in this photo....kinda just sums it up!

Miss O, Gma Pinks & Auntie Linda--three ladies lunching after church!

Miss O & her Daddy.

I just love her expression in this photo....kinda just sums it up!
While Grandma was here....we had some fun! We ate TOO MUCH and then I dragged Gma Pinks to the park to take some pics.
Miss O, Gma Pinks & Auntie Linda--three ladies lunching after church!
Miss O & her Daddy.
Miss O, Grandma Pinkie & Me.
Later Miss O & Grandma enjoyed some down time--football & snuggling.
At the end of the day....I have NO trouble putting her down for the night!!
January 7, 2009
No real resolution....
except to be a better friend in 2009, enjoy every moment with my family & take better pictures (be in them more too)! I decided not to have a weight loss plan, no organiztational strategy because honestly that is a never ending battle for me....the fat & the clutter always win somehow?? HA! SOOOO I resolved to have a new plan--to be proactive with friends & my family and not hide within the safety of the 4 walls I call home! I miss hanging out or going to dinner or being silly with people I used to call friends.....I miss girls night out. Granted my freedom is a little altered because of my little ankle bitter but it's not out of the question anymore.........especially thanks to Seeking Sitters! So I resolve not to change the outside.....but to change the inside and my hope is that the rest will follow!
Anyway....I would post some new pictures but blogger is giving me a hard time! So....maybe tomorrow!!
Anyway....I would post some new pictures but blogger is giving me a hard time! So....maybe tomorrow!!
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