So the other day I sat her on the chair, which usually occupied by the play dolls, Abuelito and Abuelita, which my dad gave to her. (They sing too) Anywho, I moved them and sat her there. She had the BIGGEST smile...from ear to ear.....but still she motioned for A&A. I asked her if she wanted them and she laughed. So I sat them with her..and pushed their hands and they started singing (songs in spanish of course) and she LOVED it. She's such a loving little girl. I don't want her to grow up anymore! I want to keep her this way FOREVER!
July 27, 2008
Abuelito, Abuelita & the rocking chair.
So the other day I sat her on the chair, which usually occupied by the play dolls, Abuelito and Abuelita, which my dad gave to her. (They sing too) Anywho, I moved them and sat her there. She had the BIGGEST smile...from ear to ear.....but still she motioned for A&A. I asked her if she wanted them and she laughed. So I sat them with her..and pushed their hands and they started singing (songs in spanish of course) and she LOVED it. She's such a loving little girl. I don't want her to grow up anymore! I want to keep her this way FOREVER!
On the other side of things...
July 25, 2008
Thank you Trish.
Needless to say I've allowed someone else control my thoughts...instead of SCREAMING to Him. I realized I haven't got down on my knees and really PRAYED. It's funny, He held us up through our 1st major crisis after celebrating one year of marriage. Then last year, He lifted us up and lead us through the threat of Cancer. Through it all...He was there. And why I'm allowing this time to be any different is beyond me. I know it's not going to be easy and it's probably going to get pretty scary.....but I know, I remember....God is faithful.....He is OUR rock in whom we take refuge. (PS. 94)
Thank you Trish for reminding me that God is FAITHFUL. My family is my daily reminder of His adundant blessings.
July 24, 2008
Meet Fred. Fred the frog!
He's actually NOT as big as this picture makes him look.
He's probably about the size of your mouse (for your computer that is--LOL).
This is not zoomed...he's pretty teeny actually!
(and YES that is a snow shovel--don't ask!?!?!)
July 23, 2008
When life throws you lemons....

I guess it's best to make Lemondae........

and with the way things are going in the world...we probably should think about selling it too!!

Life has threw us a couple of lemons yesterday....right now we are still digesting the information. We are all fine, safe & healthy--so no worries there. Just asking to keep us in your prayers. I guess at some point over the course of the next few days we'll start mapping out a plan & praying for direction. I know God is FAITHFUL & has great things in store for us....I just didn't figure He'd do it this way!! Or maybe HE was trying to get our attention! HA! It's no laughing matter I suppose...but all you can do is laugh....well sure we can laugh now but yesterday....not so much laughing!!!
July 18, 2008
Okay I lied.
Nothing really new to post.
That's it. Tomorrow is play day & the Heart of Tulsa Arts & Craft fair to scope out if it's something we should look into in the fall!! We'll see.
Anyway. I'll post pics later. Oh yeah, I did make a new DIAPER CAKE...go check it out!
July 13, 2008
The Pink Basket.
Oh what fun she had though!
July 10, 2008
Did you know????
What goes around does come around! There's no doubt that recycling is an important environmental stewardship effort which reaps many benefits key to the long-term sustainability of our planet.
Did you know that...
---->Recycling a soda can saves 96% of the energy used to make a can from ore, produces 95% less air pollution and 97% less water pollution?
---->One recycled aluminum can is equivalent in energy to a half a can full of gasoline?
---->If every American household recycled just one out of every ten discarded HDPE bottles (used in milk jugs and most shampoo and detergent bottles), it would keep 200,000,000 pounds of plastic out of landfills.
It doesn't take much....just an extra trash can and in some cities you probably even have access to a special curbside service that will haul it away for you!!!! Just check with your local chamber of commerce. Just ONE small step to make such a HUGE difference!!
July 9, 2008
A new blog.
Here's the link!! Spread the word!!!
One year ago.....
I love you Baby....O loves you too!
This was my post one year ago....
I need a sign to let me know you're here
July 7, 2008
4th of July weekend.
O & I went to Auntie Sally's on Friday night....we attempted to see the fireworks but she just couldn't last. So we went home....then Saturday....O went swimming for the first time. Her cousin S invited her over to swim at her pool and we thought it would a great thing for O. And it was.....O had a blast & I think we need to figure something out to get her out in a pool more often!!! So here are some pictures of O in the swimming pool...she was sooooo cute!!!

O & S in their 4th of July wagon!