Just wanted to take a minute to say, if you haven't already, we encourage you to help out the PEOPLE who have lost everything because of this devastating disaster, Hurricane Katrina. We ask you to donate anything you possibly can.....donate blood, volunteer your time, money, etc. Also since we hold a special place in our hearts for animals we also encourage you to help out the relief efforts for those with NO VOICE & have been left to fend for themselves...
the animals!! There were thousands left behind, swept away and killed when Katrina made landfall. Thankfully there were some animals who were brought to safety early enough and then there are those who just simply survived. There is a HUGE relief effort under way with many animal resuces who are joining forces to help reach and save those animals and pets in need!! Please visit
www.HSUS.org (The Humane Society of the United States) for information regarding their relief efforts. There are also places like PetSmart or Petco who are locally where you live that you can help out as well. PLEASE, PLEASE don't forget the animals! If you'd like more information regarding this site please don't hesitate to contact me anytime or contact your local Humane Society to see what they are doing to help. We all CAN make a difference!!
Visit any of the following websites:
www.redcross.orgwww.salvationarmyusa.orgwww.habitat.orgor go to
www.msn.com for Katrina Relief Effort Information
All our love, thoughts and prayers go out to ALL the families who have been affected by Hurricane Katrina.
The Jacobson Family